Child Health

March 2021

March Is National Nutrition Month®

2022-03-18T15:27:05+00:00March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Child Health, Mom Health, WIC Nutrition|Tags: , , , , |

You may have heard: It’s National Nutrition Month®! The campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics helps create awareness throughout the month to help raise awareness to eat healthy and get active with “Personalize your Plate.”  Among the tips are:

  1. Eat a variety of healthy foods every day.
  2. Plan your meals each week
  3. Learn skills to create tasty meals
  4. Consult a Registered Dietician Nutritionist when needed.

The organization has created a great website full of recipes, tips and guides for healthy eating in March in beyond. Their experts also offer great tips for expecting moms and mothers feeding babies and children.  (more…)

February 2021

WIC Babies Grow Healthy & Strong

2022-03-19T00:57:27+00:00February 11th, 2021|Categories: Baby Food, Baby Formula, Child Health, Texas WIC, WIC Food, WIC Nutrition|Tags: , , , , , |

Achieve Baby Milestones

As babies grow from infants to toddlers they graduate dozens of baby milestones, from eating purees, finger foods and walking. Your baby’s pediatrician can help you learn if your baby is on track. Being aware of major developments can ensure your tot is staying on track. Texas WIC can also help your baby sty on track and grow healthy and strong.

Bringing a newborn home from the hospital can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn and process – how to feed, making sure they are safe and loved, learning to decode their baby language. As you get to know your baby and all the traits that make them uniquely them, you will also start picking up on your baby’s developments. It’s something you can observe and watch from Day 1. It’s also one of the biggest joys of being a parent, watching your baby grow and learn. There are endless resources online about baby milestones, but don’t get overwhelmed and remember they are just a guide. Your baby’s doctors are the ultimate resource.

Plus, any resource you use (online, book, etc.) are only tools to help you ask the right questions to your doctor.  One great online resource is, Texas WIC. Their experts have outlined some of the milestone highlights of a baby’s first year online.


INFANT DEVELOPMENT When you first bring your baby home, most of your attention will be focused on your baby’s eating, sleeping and baby communication (or crying). You will start to notice signs that your baby is hungry, including when they might be crying or sucking on their tiny hands. They may also try to nuzzle you to get fed. You will learn the signs your baby is trying to tell you as you get to know them.  Texas WIC, a free program that guides mothers in providing healthy habits for their children, offers a lot of tools to help mothers feed their children, including these tips online.  The program helps mothers provide healthy nutrition for their babies on the WIC program. By the end of the first month, you may notice your baby keeps their hands in tight fists, can move head side-to-side while on their tummy and can recognize your voice. 

2-6 MONTHS By the time your baby is at the end of two months, your baby will likely be smiling at faces, can calm themselves with hand sucking and can hold their head up when on their tummy, according to the CDC. Their experts also recommend talking to your doctor if your baby doesn’t respond to loud sounds or can’t hold their head up. At 4 months, your baby will likely be mimicking movements and faces, begin to babble and may be able to roll from tummy to back, according to the CDC milestone markers.

At 6 months, they may be responding to their own name, bringing objects to their mouth and rolling over in both directions, according to the CDC milestone guide

Texas WIC recommends on their website to contact Early Childhood Intervention Services if you are still concerned about your child’s development after talking to their physician. ECIS is a statewide program. You can learn more about their programs online. If you are interested in joining Texas WIC to help your baby grow healthy and strong, you can apply online

Grocery Services North is a Dallas-area grocery store chain that specializes in providing an easy WIC-grocery shopping experience. Find a location near you to easily shop for WIC groceries at any of the Dallas and WIC locations.

January 2021

Soup Is Great WIC-Friendly Meal For Kids

2022-01-04T17:43:27+00:00January 30th, 2021|Categories: Baby Food, Child Health, Meal Planning, Recipes, WIC Food|Tags: , , , |

Soup is a great meal for kids and toddlers. Let’s celebrate soup during National Soup Month.

Let’s Celebrate This WIC Friendly Meal! January is National Soup Month.

We can’t think of a better way to use WIC ingredients during cold weather months than to have a nice bowl of homemade soup, a very WIC friendly meal for  your kids. 

Texas WIC is a nutritional assitance program that helps women and their kids get healthy, nutritous foods. The FREE program also provides nutrition support, counseling and classes. To find if you are elegible, visit online to apply.

It can be hard for families to find time to get meals on the table. Soup is a one-pot meal that often doesn’t require a ton of work, but can spotlight a lot of healthy ingredients. Plus, not many foods offer as much comfort or nutrition than a nice warm bowl of homemade soup. 


Soup is also a great way for little ones to experience different food tastes and textures. Just make sure the ingredients are age-appropriate and soft enough for them to eat. Not sure if your child is ready?  Visit Texas WIC’s guidelines online to find out if your baby is ready for solids (like the veggies in the soup).   Texas WIC will also offer a Live Discussion class Feb. 3 about “Live Discussion on Table Foods and the Older Baby.”  You can enroll online

Visit the USDA’s MyPlate website for a little inspiration for recipes using WIC foods. One of our favorites was this one. It has vegetables and dairy and we think your kids will love this WIC friendly meal as much as you do. 


Cream of Broccoli Soup II

Using pantry staples and frozen broccoli, this hearty soup can be made in 10 minutes. Use 1% or fat-free milk to keep it even healthier.


  • 1 package frozen, chopped broccoli (10 ounces)
  • 1 can carrots or mixed vegetables, drained
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup (10 ounces)
  • 1 1/4 cups 1% low fat milk
  • 1/3 cup grated cheddar cheese, low-fat (can use 1/4 to 1/2 cup)

In a saucepan, prepare broccoli according to directions. Drain off water. Add carrots, cream of mushroom soup, and one soup can full of milk to the broccoli. Stir over low heat until steaming hot and vegetables are cooked. Add cheese, stirring until melted. Serve hot. Refrigerate leftovers.

Don’t forget you can get your WIC foods at Grocery Services North. Visit any of our locations today for a unique WIC grocery shopping experience.

Importance of Folic Acid During Pregnancy

2022-03-21T15:31:38+00:00January 19th, 2021|Categories: Baby Food, Child Health, Pregnancy, WIC Nutrition|Tags: , , , |

Folic Acid & Pregnancy

Vitamin C helps fight colds.  Calcium builds strong healthy bones. Folic acid can help prevent birth defects in babies. If you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, it’s important to get enough folic acid.

Women who have never been pregnant may not be aware of the importance of folic acid during pregnancy.  It’s not a nutrient most of us talk about –  unless you are considering becoming pregnant.

Folate is a type of Vitamin B found in the body that is important to the process of making new cells and to the creation of the neural tube that forms a baby’s brain and spinal cord.  These developments happen during the first month of pregnancy, which is why mothers need to have enough folate before they become pregnant.

Without enough folate a baby is at risk of being born with severe birth defects such as spina bifida.

If a woman can become pregnant, it is recommended she take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid (the man-made version of folate) daily to help prevent birth defects, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.  

Women can get the recommended amount by taking a vitamin with folic acid and/or eating foods high in folate.


The Texas WIC program, an educational and nutritional resource for expecting mothers, outlines that folate (the natural form of folic acid) can be found naturally in foods such as:  

  • Broccoli, 
  • Asparagus
  • Lima beans, dried beans, and peas
  • Spinach and turnip greens
  • Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit
  • Nuts and sunflower seeds

Some rice, pasta, bread, and breakfast cereals are also enriched with folic acid.

Getting enough folic acid is just one way a woman can help ensure she has a healthy pregnancy. Visit a Texas WIC clinic near you to see if you are eligible for the free program aimed at helping Texas mothers ensure they have a healthy pregnancy. You can find a clinic by visiting our location page. Shop Grocery Services North for healthy fruits and vegetables.

WIC Milk

2022-03-16T15:04:46+00:00January 11th, 2021|Categories: Baby Food, Baby Formula, Child Health, WIC Food, WIC Nutrition|Tags: , , , |

Today Is National Milk Day

Let’s Celebrate Milk

Today, Jan. 11th, is National Milk Day, we celebrate milk – your first drink.  Milk in all forms provides an array of vitamins and nutrients for babies for more than their first few years. So let’s celebrate milk, in all of it’s forms – breastmilk, formula and dairy milk.  It is believed that National Milk Day commemorates the day the first milk deliveries in glass bottles began in the United States.   Milk from mom is likely the first place you ever get milk.  Nutritionists at Texas WIC want mother’s to know the importance of breast milk.  (more…)

December 2020

Explore Stages of Baby Food, Feeding

2022-08-26T10:28:13+00:00December 14th, 2020|Categories: Baby Food, Baby Formula, Child Health, Texas WIC|Tags: , , , , , , |

Steps of Baby Feeding, 1-2-3

There are not many moments more rewarding than the first time you feed your baby. From the first feeding until they are throwing food on the floor in protest, your baby will go through several stages at mealtime. We have gathered pointers from experts, including WIC Texas, as a guide. No stage is predictable; no child is the same. Every parent has to take cues from their child and their physician to determine the best feeding practices. There are a few certainties. One of them is your child will go through several stages of eating in the first year.


Your first experience feeding your baby will likely be at the hospital. You will likely have help from trained professionals to advise and guide you about the best methods and techniques.  Every mom will have their own experience with breastfeeding. Some will nurse with ease for years. Others will have a harder time. Luckily there are free resources to help guide you along the way. We think one of the best resources is Texas WIC.  Experts at Texas WIC encourage mothers to breastfeed as long as possible. That’s because it’s both healthy for the baby and the mother. Texas WIC has created website that has everything you need to know about breastfeeding. There is even a hotline for WIC clients to call for breastfeeding support, 855-550-6667. To see if you are eligible to enroll, apply online or visit an area WIC clinic today.


Even though breastfeeding is highly encouraged, not all moms are able to feed this way. Your little one still has to get nutrients to grow. Since babies are not allowed to try cow’s milk before age 1, formula is how your baby will get all the nutrition they need. There are many baby formulas on the market, including specialty prescription formulas for babies that have allergies or digestive issues. Talk to your child’s doctor about which one is best. You may need to try a few to find the right one. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s mixing instructions. They are not all the same. Mixing them properly is very important for the safety of your baby. Texas WIC offers these guidelines for mixing formulas.  Texas WIC clients can pick up their baby formula at any Grocery Services North, a grocery store chain that offers primarily WIC foods. They carry a large selection of baby formula and even prescription baby formulas. You can find a list of products online.  You can visit a  location near you, or schedule a time for pickup. Staff is also very knowledgeable about the WIC program and can help answer your questions. 


This is where it really starts to get fun. Once your baby is ready (your baby’s doctor can confirm when your little one can start sampling), they will start exploring new tastes and textures. It’s just as much fun for parents to discover what their little ones like and don’t like.  Aren’t sure if your baby is ready to move to the next stage? Texas WIC provides an outline online to help you recognize important baby milestones and signs your tot might be ready. Around 6-months old (confirm your child is ready with their doctor or a Texas WIC nutritionist), your baby may be able start trying purees. As they get older (around 9 months, but confirm with your doctor), they might be able to try foods that are soft and easily mashed. Scrambled eggs, soft fruits like bananas and avocados, steamed veggies or even homemade hummus. Once your baby starts trying foods other than breastmilk and formula, you will need to be on the lookout for possible reactions from food allergies. Some of the common allergies are soy, fish, shellfish, eggs, dairy, wheat or nuts (peanut butter for example since babies should not eat whole nuts because they may choke). Texas WIC offers great guidelines on signs your baby has a food allergy. It’s important to always watch your child while they eat in case they choke. Be prepared in the event they need help.  Guiding your baby through the various stages of eating will be a joy to watch. Enjoy the process!


The WIC program is free for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and their children up to 5 years old. It’s designed for mothers to help their kids get a healthy start. WIC participants are able to take home free nutritional food, enroll in free nutritional classes and visit WIC-approved clinics. To find out if you qualify visit an area clinic near you or apply online.