Soup is a great meal for kids and toddlers. Let’s celebrate soup during National Soup Month.

Let’s Celebrate This WIC Friendly Meal! January is National Soup Month.

We can’t think of a better way to use WIC ingredients during cold weather months than to have a nice bowl of homemade soup, a very WIC friendly meal for  your kids. 

Texas WIC is a nutritional assitance program that helps women and their kids get healthy, nutritous foods. The FREE program also provides nutrition support, counseling and classes. To find if you are elegible, visit online to apply.

It can be hard for families to find time to get meals on the table. Soup is a one-pot meal that often doesn’t require a ton of work, but can spotlight a lot of healthy ingredients. Plus, not many foods offer as much comfort or nutrition than a nice warm bowl of homemade soup. 


Soup is also a great way for little ones to experience different food tastes and textures. Just make sure the ingredients are age-appropriate and soft enough for them to eat. Not sure if your child is ready?  Visit Texas WIC’s guidelines online to find out if your baby is ready for solids (like the veggies in the soup).   Texas WIC will also offer a Live Discussion class Feb. 3 about “Live Discussion on Table Foods and the Older Baby.”  You can enroll online

Visit the USDA’s MyPlate website for a little inspiration for recipes using WIC foods. One of our favorites was this one. It has vegetables and dairy and we think your kids will love this WIC friendly meal as much as you do. 


Cream of Broccoli Soup II

Using pantry staples and frozen broccoli, this hearty soup can be made in 10 minutes. Use 1% or fat-free milk to keep it even healthier.


  • 1 package frozen, chopped broccoli (10 ounces)
  • 1 can carrots or mixed vegetables, drained
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup (10 ounces)
  • 1 1/4 cups 1% low fat milk
  • 1/3 cup grated cheddar cheese, low-fat (can use 1/4 to 1/2 cup)

In a saucepan, prepare broccoli according to directions. Drain off water. Add carrots, cream of mushroom soup, and one soup can full of milk to the broccoli. Stir over low heat until steaming hot and vegetables are cooked. Add cheese, stirring until melted. Serve hot. Refrigerate leftovers.

Don’t forget you can get your WIC foods at Grocery Services North. Visit any of our locations today for a unique WIC grocery shopping experience.