Today Is National Milk Day

Let’s Celebrate Milk

Today, Jan. 11th, is National Milk Day, we celebrate milk – your first drink.  Milk in all forms provides an array of vitamins and nutrients for babies for more than their first few years. So let’s celebrate milk, in all of it’s forms – breastmilk, formula and dairy milk.  It is believed that National Milk Day commemorates the day the first milk deliveries in glass bottles began in the United States.   Milk from mom is likely the first place you ever get milk.  Nutritionists at Texas WIC want mother’s to know the importance of breast milk. 


Breastfeeding is super healthy for baby and mom

Breastfeeding is super healthy for baby and mom

“Breastmilk is one of the most important gifts you can give your baby,” according to their website.  “Breastfeed as much as you can for as long as you can — every ounce gives baby lasting health benefits. WIC supports breastfeeding as the best way to feed your baby for as long as you (and baby) want.” Woman, Infants and Children (WIC) is a free nutrition support program for mothers and their children up to age 5. They provide nutrition education, classes, breastfeeding support and free food supplements. Texas WIC encourages breastfeeding because of the health benefits for both the baby and the mom. Health experts tell us that breastfed babies are sick less often and have a lower chance of dying from SIDS. Breast milk is also good for mothers, including being able to lose more weight in the first six months after their babies were born. It can also decrease the chances a mother develops breast cancer, according to some studies.  Breastfeeding isn’t easy, so WIC has created an entire website of information to help mothers. There is even a hotline for more support, 855-550-6667. 


WIC clients receive formala, including prescription formula if needed, for babies.

Not all mothers can breastfeed. So we also celebrate baby formula. It provides babies with necessary nutrition in their first few years.  Finding the right formula is key. Some babies need prescription formulas for allergies or reactions to the formula. Talk to your pediatrician about which formula is right for your baby.  “It’s super important to follow all the steps to make sure the formula you give your baby is safe. If you have any questions, talk to your health care provider or your WIC Nutritionist. It can be a lot of information and we’re here to help,” Akata Sanghani, RD, IBCLC, registered dietitian and lactation consultant at Texas WIC, is quoted on their website. Texas WIC also provides support to mothers that use formula. Information about mixing, cleaning bottles, storing formula and feeding your baby can be found on their website. Along with popular formula brands, Grocery Services North also supplies prescription formulas to WIC clients at its stores. If you need formula or special formula, visit any of our stores for details about how we can provide it for you. We are happy to help.


It’s also important mother’s get from milk. One of the most important nutrients moms can receive is calcium.  Milk provides nutrition in the form of  protein, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A and B vitamins. “Dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt offer essential nutrients that help nourish people throughout life,” said National Dairy Council President Jean Ragalie-Carr, RDN, LDN, FAND on the website. “We are living during a period where affordable nutrition is critically important to our nation. Dairy foods, including lactose-free varieties, are a highly nutritious and accessible option that can help fill important nutrient gaps and support overall well-being.” Texas WIC also provides nutrition guidelines for mothers, including getting enough calcium-rich foods like dairy in your diet. If you would like to join WIC, please visit them online to apply.