Texas WIC online classes

August 2022

Texas WIC Offering Free Online Story Time, Classes

2022-08-17T16:44:36+00:00August 15th, 2022|Categories: Child Health, Kid Activities, Texas WIC|Tags: , , |

Texas WIC is offering a fun online story time for kids Tuesday, Aug. 16th from 9:30 am to 10 AM. 

Kids will learn basic counting and color skills, how fruits and vegetables grow in a garden and how fun it is to try new foods. The story time is all part of Texas WIC’s free online classes for parents and kids. You can watch the program on a mobile device or computer. To register, visit the link here.

There are more FREE WIC classes coming up.

Check these out: 

Live Discussion on breastfeeding, pumping and bottle feeding. This class will be held from 3 to 4 PM, August 16.  Register here

Live Discussion on Introducing your Baby to Foods. This class will be offered from 11 AM to noon August. 17th. Register here.

Live Discussion and Activity on Cool Drinks for Kids. This class will be held online from 11 AM to noon on August 18th. Register here

Texas WIC is a free nutritional education program for qualifying mothers and their children up to age 5. If you would like to apply, visit TexasWIC.org/apply.

April 2022

WIC Class On Bottle Feeding Baby

2022-06-01T19:52:57+00:00April 20th, 2022|Categories: Baby Food, Baby Formula, Texas WIC, WIC Food|Tags: , , , |

Texas WIC is offering a “Click & Learn” class this month on how to bottle feed your baby. WIC clients can take the free online class from the Texas WIC website.

WIC Experts will walk you through how to: 

  • Tell when baby is hungry or full
  • Prepare a bottle safely
  • Bottle feed your baby

To sign up for the class, visit TexasWIC.org class page here.

Being a new mom is stressful. Texas WIC is a free nutrition education program for qualifying mothers and their children up to age 5. The program provides free nutrition counseling, free monthly food packages for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and their children until their 5th birthday. To apply for the program, visit TexasWIC.org


December 2020

Texas WIC Classes at Your Fingertips

2022-08-26T10:31:27+00:00December 8th, 2020|Categories: Pregnancy, WIC Food, WIC Grocery Shopping, WIC Nutrition|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Texas WIC  Offers Free Classes Online

As soon as your baby is born you’re expected to know everything about taking care of an infant. You have to learn how to nurse your baby and everything the little one is trying to communicate every time they cry.  There’s a lot to learn, but luckily Texas WIC offers a catalog of online classes for mothers. It’s all 100% free of charge. 

If you are a Texas WIC client, taking the courses is part of the free program. It’s designed to help pregnant and breastfeeding mothers get a healthy start for their infants and children up to age 5. The program also offers access to its WIC clinics and provides free nutritional WIC-approved food.  Some of the classes are live during scheduled dates and times. Other classes are “Click and Learn” presentations.  Even if you aren’t part of Texas WIC, you can participate in some of the classes online.

Topics range on everything from “What to Expect Year to Year,” “The Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression” and “Smart Snacks for Children” There are even entertainment programs for kids. A “Live Story with Zobey” teaches kids basic counting skills and how fruits and vegetables grow in a garden. It also encourages trying new foods.  The WIC classes are an excellent resource to learn how to be a better parent and how to care for yourself. To find out if you qualify for Texas WIC, apply online or visit a WIC clinic.