Anyway you cut it, pineapple is a delicious WIC food.
“Be a pineapple,” as the popular social media meme goes, “stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.”
Pineapple is super sweet on the inside. It’s also a nutritious, delicious WIC food. Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is good in savory and sweet recipes. Pineapple on a pizza, shining inside a salsa or in a stir-fry is perfectly sweet and savory. Pineapple in a smoothie, a salad, a yogurt topping, or even as a juice helps showcase this fruit’s sweet side. Grilled pineapple – either one part of a fruit and veggie kabob or plain – is a perfect spring or summer treat. Don’t let this fruit intimidate you. It’s rough outside and the large crown doesn’t mean this fruit is hard to cut. It’s actually pretty easy and the nutrition benefits and taste make it well worth the effort. Pineapple is full of vitamin C and other nutrients, including calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It also offers fiber, antioxidants, and even folate. This fruit also helps with digestion, according to health experts. Pineapple, a fruit, is also a WIC food. Once you bring your pineapple home, you can store it at room temperature for about 2 to 3 days. Once cut, store in the refrigerator. If you don’t think you will use your pineapple in 2 to 3 days, freeze the cut up chucks in a freezer-safe container. Here is a recipe to try:
2 cups of Pineapple, diced 1 Mango, diced 1/3 cup of yogurt Couple of ice cubes, optional Mix all in a blender. Blend until everything is smooth.
Pick up your pineapple and other WIC foods at Grocery Services North, a primarily WIC grocery store chain in Dallas, Waco, Tyler, and Longview. To find a location near you, visit us online. Visit our product page for more information on WIC foods. Texas WIC is a free nutrition supplement program for expecting mothers and their children up to age 5. The program provides free nutrition support, counseling, classes and even FREE supplemental food packages. Apply online at
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