check WIC balance

November 2023

Texas WIC Fruit, Vegetable Benefit Increase Extended

2023-11-14T14:13:39+00:00November 13th, 2023|Categories: Texas WIC, WIC Food, WIC Grocery Shopping|Tags: , , , , |

Texas WIC has announced that the WIC fruit and vegetable dollar amount increase is now extended through September. 

This extension, which is now being offered through Sept. 30, 2024,  has different dollar amounts based on your category. Eligible clients will receive the following:

  • Children get $26 each month 
  • Pregnant, postpartum and some breastfeeding clients get $47 each month 
  • Fully and partially breastfeeding clients get $52 each month  

If your benefits for November and December are for the lower dollar amount, WIC advises: “Use the myWIC app or contact your WIC office to schedule an appointment to update your card. In myWIC, choose the appointment called “Load WIC Card” to schedule a time to update your card with the higher dollar amount, according to its website.

You can also check your WIC benefits by requesting a balance receipt from the cashier at Grocery Services North. 

WIC benefits are expected to return to their normal levels Oct. 2024, which are $12 for pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women and $10 for children ages 1 to 5. 

March 2022

Check WIC EBT Balance Before Shopping

2022-03-17T18:02:14+00:00March 18th, 2022|Categories: Dallas, Grocery Services North, Texas WIC, WIC Food, WIC Grocery Shopping|Tags: , , |

Grocery Servies North Helps Make WIC Grocery Shopping Easier

Going shopping for WIC foods can be very stressful for mothers. They may feel they are left to guess what groceries can be redeemed using their WIC EBT, and hope they are approved at checkout. The entire shopping experience can often seem overwhelming.

Grocery Services North helps make WIC grocery shopping much easier. WIC clients can even see what benefits are on their WIC EBT BEFORE  shopping.

WIC clients just walk into a store, insert their WIC EBT at the counter, and the customer’s benefits will pop up on our screen. The store’s bilingual clerks can help shoppers pick their WIC groceries by gathering any items the WIC client would like to redeem during the visit.

Customers approve each WIC grocery item they would like to redeem. They are also given a receipt of what items were redeemed during the visit. Customers aren’t left guessing what benefits they used. Customers also don’t have to guess about which grocery items are WIC approved. Everything at Grocery Services North is WIC approved.  All the guesswork is taken out of the entire shopping experience. 


Here is how our unique WIC shopping process works:

  • Insert WIC Card at the store counter (where you can check WIC balance)
  • View products on the monitor
  • Choose your groceries with our unique WIC Shopping Tool
  • Wait at the counter while our bilingual clerks pull WIC client’s groceries
  • Approve your transaction with your WIC card

Because all the groceries at Grocery Services North are WIC approved, customers get in and out quickly. Plus, WIC clients don’t have to search aisle after aisle guessing if your groceries are WIC approved at checkout. 

Our super simple shopping process takes all the hassle out of WIC grocery shopping. Plus, Grocery Services North store locations are conveniently located near WIC clinics. Visit any store today to find out how easy WIC grocery shopping can be.