4 Tips To Help You Save Money
Grocery prices keep going up, and we are all looking for ways to stretch our food budgets. Here are a few tips we can all use to curb the waste, and stretch our food dollars even further.
If you don’t think you will use them before they go bad, freeze fruits and vegetables. Put them in freezer-safe containers or bags and mark with a date. These frozen portions are great to add to soups or smoothies.
Save veggie scraps like potato rinds, ends of onions and celery pieces, to make veggie broth. These vegetables will make a perfect vegetable broth that is delicious in soups.
Use leftovers creatively. You can turn almost any leftovers into a completely different meal. For example, did you make roasted veggies as a side dish this week? Use the leftovers in a delicious omelet. You cook once and have two delicious meals. Plus, you save time in the kitchen.
One of the best ways to maximize your WIC benefits is to use your SNAP benefits first. Your SNAP benefits roll over, but your WIC benefits expire at the end of the month. USE WIC FIRST.
Make fewer trips. If you are making a trip to the WIC clinic, redeem your WIC benefits during the same trip. Grocery Services North, which caters to WIC clients, are conveniently located near WIC clinics. Grocery Services North caters to WIC clients and helps them redeem their benefits in one easy, fast trip.
By planning ahead you can save time and money. Plan your menu for the week. See what ingredients can be used to do double duty in your recipes. For example, are you making a homemade soup and stir-fry dish this week? Get an onion that can be used for both. What other ingredients can be used in both meals? Stretch your food dollars by using simple recipes with less ingredients. Plus, it is a great way for your kids to help. Make a menu together on a chalkboard or a colorful paper. Your kids will love the family activity.
One of the best ways to save money cooking is to make simple, nutritious recipes that don’t have a ton of ingredients. Buy pantry staples like seasonings on sale or in bulk. Make your own salad dressing using olive oil and simple seasonings.
Get all your WIC foods at Grocery Services North in Dallas, Plano, Waco, Tyler and Longview. Grocery Services North caters to WIC clients, and are ready to help you get all your WIC foods in one easy stop. Find a location near you.
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