WIC Benefits Last For Years To Come

2022-03-21T15:50:06+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Categories: Child Health, Mom Health, Pregnancy, WIC Nutrition|Tags: , , |

There are more benefits than nutrition counseling, free healthy food packages, and breastfeeding support that participants gain from the Texas WIC program.

The WIC program is a government-funded nutritional program to help improve the health and nutrition for pregnant women and their children up to age 5. 

WIC saves lives and improves the health of nutritionally at-risk women, infants and children,” according to the USDA. “The results of studies conducted by FNS and other non-government entities prove that WIC is one of the nation’s most successful and cost-effective nutrition intervention programs.”

The USDA outlines that participants get WIC benefits that may include:

  • Improved birth outcomes and health care cost savings
  • Improved diet
  • Improved infant feeding
  • Improved immunization rates and medical care
  • Improved growth rates
  • Earlier prenatal care
  • Better health outcomes for mothers 

And much, much more!

WIC participants also receive the following WIC benefits as part of the program: Supplemental nutritious foods as part of the free monthly food package. WIC clients get their food benefit lists loaded onto an EBT card. They can redeem their benefits when shopping for food. Learn more at TexasWIC.org.

WIC clients also receive nutrition education and counseling at WIC clinics and online. 

Better health and nutrition can last a lifetime. All of the WIC services can help ensure that pregnant women and their children have the best chance at a healthy life. WIC is an important program that should be taken advantage of by all who are eligible. 

Texas WIC experts can also help participants get connected to other health and social service resources. 

WIC is an important resource for parents, providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to give their children the best possible start in life. The program helps ensure that kids get the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong.

To apply to Texas WIC, visit online here.