Texas WIC Returns To Offices

2023-08-30T18:59:48+00:00August 18th, 2023|Categories: Texas WIC|Tags: , |

Texas WIC has resumed full program services at its offices.

On Aug. 10th, 2023 the agency returned to offering its full, regular services at its offices across the state. The agency was modified during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Texas WIC offers nutrition screenings, breastfeeding support, weighing and measuring pregnant women, infants and children to assess growth. Nutrition classes, counseling and even personalized referrals to other programs are part of their offerings.

The Texas WIC program is open to qualifying pregnant women, mothers and children up to age 5. It provides nutrition education, counseling and free food packages to help ensure children get a healthy start.

To learn more about the program or to apply, visit TexasWIC.org.