About Texas WIC Benefits
The Texas WIC program helps pregnant and breastfeeding mothers provide a healthy start for their infants and children.
There are three main WIC benefits offered to clients. These include WIC-approved groceries, access to nutritional classes, and free visits to WIC-approved Clinics.
The free food benefits are to nourish pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and their children up to age 5. The Texas WIC program helps provide a healthy foundation for children during their first critical years of development.
WIC is accepted at Traditional grocery stores (TWIC) and Primarily WIC (PWIC) stores, where a majority of the stocked items are WIC-approved.
PWIC stores, like Grocery Services North, makes getting groceries home even easier. Grocery Services North is not affiliated with WIC, but the stores are often located near WIC Clinics to help make it convenient to shop for WIC groceries.
At Grocery Services North, customers will walk up to the counter and enter their WIC Card into the reader. They will select grocery items they would like from a screen. A personal shopper gathers the groceries while the customer waits. It’s hassle free, convenient and saves time. Check out the locations to find a store or clinic near your neighborhood.
Find a wide variety of nutritional classes and fun online activities at the official WIC website, Texaswic.org.
WIC clients receive credits for taking courses that cover topics that range from what to expect during pregnancy and breastfeeding to tutorials on preparing bottles and food for picky eaters.
At the WIC clinic families can be approved and enrolled into the WIC program, get questions answered about your personal situation, learn about nutrition classes and get a WIC Card loaded to shop for nutritional food.
Frequently Asked Questions
‘WIC’ Stands for Women, Infant and Children. This is because the program only covers women, infant and children.
The WIC Program was set in place for mothers and mothers-to-be. The program is also designed to helps children up to the age of 5.
There are 3 ways to apply for the TexasWIC Program. You can either 1) call 1-800-942-3678 2) schedule an appointment at a nearby WIC office or 3) Apply online
To qualify as a WIC client, you can only make a certain amount. If you exceed this amount, you do not qualify.
To qualify to be a WIC client, you must meet certain income guidelines. If you are on Medicaid, TANF or SNAP you already meet the income eligibility guidelines for WIC. If you don’t qualify for these programs, you may still qualify for WIC by meeting the income guidelines.
You are required to share income stubs when you apply for the WIC program in Texas, whether it be weekly or bi-weekly.
Because of inflation, income requirements are always changing. You can check the current income brackets at the official TexasWIC Website.
During WIC clinic visits, the program is required to check iron levels.